
Universal Design for Learning

One of the foundational elements of UDL is providing for a diversity in a wide range of ways. UDL builds an explicit attention to Other by starting with the premise of acknowledging and respecting diversity in the human condition. While we are conditioned to think of diversity in terms of inequalities and binary distinctions, UDL approaches content, expression, and assessment as ….

There are many ways to represent the same idea….. Text, pictures, music, posters, paintings….

Contributing to a conversation or dialogue is more than simply raising your hand and voicing yourself. How students participate in learning activity is another arena in which diversity and Otherness can present a rich opportunity for the instructor designing student experiences.

Multiple choice tests – not so awesome at assessment, unless you focus on a single mode of assessment. Ever known someone who was brilliant, but couldn’t spell to save their lives? Maybe the written word is only one way to demonstrate skill / talent / expertise